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Basef Buꞌwafi Godi

Mufian NT

Language: [aoj]MufianMufian
Title:Basef Buꞌwafi GodiMufian NT
Abbreviation:ID: AOJWBT or aoj
Copyright © 1998 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.
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The New Testament in the Mufian Language

Nupela Testamen long tokples Mufian long Niugini

Apaꞌ ipaꞌ ataꞌ ukup piliꞌ pelapelaoma waf usiꞌifi buꞌwafi feloma pigawis nomona maol Godi nope Dembinai nugumafipa piliꞌ, daoꞌ aꞌ neseꞌepa hiahawes isimba ipaꞌ wapani.

—Matthew 6:33

Ahoꞌ endilisi, God nogamana aman ananinai atotona nape. Owaꞌ, owaꞌatin. Anen okom maimaila amam nematawa hiapai magape itapi hiꞌalapa. Eaꞌ nasoꞌapai Nogamana ananinai atotona ma epes ami sogahapifanai sogape andeandeꞌ, ina sogaꞌma waf awafi, owaꞌatin. Sofaꞌ ambal namili sope andeandeꞌ lifilafi.

—John 3:16

Hiahaom mamahoma maꞌi mogatagamapai, buꞌwami awami hiami, God nandaꞌam mandaꞌ maol atina mogatopalopa apaꞌ epes ukup pagapagaila anini. Apaꞌ epes isimba nogofalas eaꞌi ma sondaꞌ maol sigaila okom ananimii.

—Romans 8:28

Basef Buꞌwafi Godi

The New Testament in the Mufian Language

Nupela Testamen long tokples Mufian long Niugini

copyright © 1998 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.
Language: Mufian
Dialect: Mufian

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Last updated 2013-07-19